Why Be A Brand
Why do we tend to give nicknames, slogans & monikers to people, events & phenomena?
Ideas & images are more readily remembered than words & statements. Like modern art, images may not follow a traditional form, but our intuition—which is what modern art accesses—gets it, even if the literal brain takes longer to do so.
When people are given a way of describing a distinction or a point of difference, it becomes a Container in which all other information is placed.
Containers help us anchor Content. Another word for Container is Brand.
Branding gives us a way to first remember something & then the embodiment of why we should keep remembering it.
This is why so much time, energy & money is spent on advertising.
Advertising introduces branded images & helps place them on our radar. Keeping them there for a nice long time, reminding us that an idea is there & is still there, keeps us all employed. There are & will be many with the same first name, but when we say “Don” we all know who and what we mean. When your name & your brand merge, they become a measure or set a standard by which others are compared. You & your image then belong to the culture, transcending personhood & becoming an icon.
That’s not something you can plan. It just happens.